About Us
"To provide Quality outdoor clothing & equipment
in an environment
based on Service ,
Experience & Local Involvement"
Since 1987 owner and operator Angelo Morgante and Company have been proud to provide Hamilton and surrounding areas with top quality products, sound advice, and a shared passion for the outdoors. Whether you are heading to Everest Basecamp, off to Europe, or simply looking to enjoy the surrounding Dundas Valley, our staff are prepared and pleased to answer any questions in a relaxed and non-commissioned atmosphere.
- SERVICE Relaxed atmosphere Non-commissioned sales reps Staff will spend time offering advice & answering questions Quotes on any repairs Repairs on guaranteed products Custom fitting packs Custom orders Rentals
- QUALITY Lifetime guarantee on all products carried Some of the best brand names in the world Expedition proven
- EXPERIENCE Est. 1987 Our staff is out there using the equipment Travel, Hiking, Climbing, Camping, Skiing
- ATTIC BUCKS Our way of giving back to you! Earn Attic Bucks with most every purchase*; 2% of your sales total is automatically accumulated once you've registered with our customer database. Before you know it, you are redeeming your Attic Bucks for that something special that you had your eye on! *Attic Bucks are not earned in some departments.
- TRIP-BUILDING SPECIALISTS Let us help you with all your trip needs; let us help you complete your list of travel needs (we have the experience from shorter to long-term ventures and all around the world). Or give us your list and we'll do the shopping for you! All you have to do is send or drop off your list of needs, schedule a return date to go over the products we have outfitted you with; from clothing to water purification systems, packs and everything in-between. This is a no-charge service!
- SPECIAL ORDERS If we don't have what you are looking for, we will do our best to track it down and special order the item for you!
Warranty Protection World Wide
At Adventure Attic, we consider ourselves to be part of the unique Dundas community. It is a community that thrives best when you, the customer, makes the choice to shop local, use our expert staff and get your outfitting/travel needs met rather than go to a "Big Box-Store" or Corporate competitor. Don't get us wrong, we believe in competition; and we will do our best to at least match if not beat other businesses in giving you the hard-goods that you need. Our expert staff prides itself on giving you the service experience that out-weighs the competition; we take information workshops, on-line training and product knowledge seminars on the goods that you buy from us. But more importantly we make the effort to use the products that we offer, that way we know how that merino base layer is going to be in cold temperatures, how those boots hold up under heavy-use, etc. Our staff is a mature, knowledgeable one that is committed to your satisfaction; it also takes real pride in the longevity that they have worked at Adventure Attic, serving your needs. Besides our desire to serve your needs better than our competitors, why else should we shop local?
- Support your friends, neighbours and yourself. Invest in your community; help to create a stronger and healthier Dundas and Hamilton by keeping your money here.
- Two or three times as much money spent stays in the local economy when you buy goods and services from locally-owned businesses. Locally-owned businesses invest more in local labour, pay more local taxes, spend more time on community-based decisions and create local events. In doing so, they create more opportunity for all of us here in our community. Local business owners make more local purchases themselves.
- Local stores help sustain vibrant, compact and walk-able downtown centres - something that is being lost in other consumer environments.
- One-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of Dundas/Hamilton.
- Local business owners live in and love their unique community; like Dundas. They are less likely to leave and are more invested in the future of the whole community. Local business owners participate in the community; they send their children to local activities like dance, hockey, soccer and work. And you as a customer can earnestly get to know the local owner. There's none of that in a big-box-store environment.
- Ever tried returning an item you've purchased on-line? It can be a hassle, and it most likely costs you money in shipping! No thanks, come into our store and if you want to return an item you've purchased, enjoy a hassle-free, return experience!
- On-line companies are most often found outside of your community, therefore they don't contribute to the development of the Dundas/Hamilton community. Not local, many aren't even national!