Events and Programs - NORDIC STRIDE
Nordic Stride
Nordic Walking and Hiking
Dundas Ontario

Here is what is on for Fall 2013…what a great time of year to be active outdoors!
Whether brisk laps in the Dundas Driving Park, “Walking with Poles” along one of the scenic pathways in the community, or exploring the Dundas Valley and escarpment trails, Nordic Walking hits its peak just as the leaves are at their most colourful this time of year! While we are out 12 months rain or shine, now is a great time to join the Nordic Stride movement.
Adventure Attic and Nordic Stride make for a great team; Nordic Stride provides the training and the facilitated outings while Angelo and his expert staff get you properly set-up with the right gear to meet the challenges.
Nordic walking engages your upper body while you walk or hike through the use of Nordic poles. Not only do the poles provide for great traction on the hills, they help you get a core and cardio workout as you rhythmically plant and push through your strides. Come and give it a try…the first lesson, complete with the loan of poles, is no charge! We are sure that you will love it!
Dundas sessions are currently offered Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8 and 9 am in the Dundas Driving Park. There is also a 7 am group on Thursdays. There are Sunday morning Nordic Hikes as well, they most often take place in the beautiful Dundas Valley and average around 2 hours. Other sessions are offered at McMaster University, the Hamilton Waterfront and Beach Strip; sessions in which all Nordic Stride members, of every skill and aptitude, can partake. Please email or call for more information or to book a time.

See you out there!
James Mackey
Certified Nordic Walking Instructor
NCCP Coach
Nordic Stride
Dundas ON
905 906 2405
[email protected]